There is much on the internet these days about the Government imposing martial law, FEMA death camps, and the like. Would our Government like to impose martial law? Probably. Would our Government like to put some people in internment camps? Probably. The question you have to ask yourself, however, is could they.

The figures I have found on the internet list total active military personnel at about 1,500,000 souls. The same place says there are about 800,000 law enforcement employees that have arrest powers. The total population of the United States is around 324,000,000. That being said, you would not be able to depend on a very large number of them turning guns on American citizens so lets take out 25%. Those numbers do not add up to martial law. Even if you run the number without any “oathkeeper” defectors from the service they still don’t add up.

The Government might be able to impose martial law on isolated pockets like was done in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, but putting the entire nation in lock down is not really possible. People who believe in the idea of internment camps often sight what was done to the Japanese during WWII as an example of what could happen. In that case the numbers where overwhelmingly against the Japanese, and they didn’t put up much resistance anyway.

There are those that suggest that this could be done through UN troops or assistance from other countries. You can find all sorts of videos on youtube discussing the idea. I have seen videos that suggest large forces of Russians, Chinese, and Germans are already on US soil as we speak. It stands to reason, however, if they were that someone, somewhere would have taken notice and posted video or pictures. If there is such evidence out there I didn’t see it, and if you know where it is please send me the link.

Anyway, that is my take on it. That does not mean I am right.  It is just my opinion.

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